Shopping Cart Software


Top 10 ways to get new customers while maintaining current ones

 by zack on 30 Apr 2013 |
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Marketing challenges are common during the progression towards your ecommerce goals. So here’s a list of the top ten marketing strategies that will make all the difference in your ascent. Getting your market share to grow while maintaining your client database can be a real challenge. So use these 10 simple tactics to increase your company’s reach while still keeping your existing customers enamored with your brand.

So, without further delay, check the factors we deem essential:
1 – The Golden Rule

I’ll bet you’ve heard this one a lot, “Treat others as you would like to be treated,” and not only in regards to business – you see, this piece of advice works for life in general. Without getting too preachy, the good will your business puts out will always observably comes back around. So get in your customer’s shoes and find out how they feel, what they aspire to, what makes them progress through the sales funnel, and most importantly: what makes them share and interact with your company’s content, products, and web presence.. 

This brings us to the next topic:
2 - Invest in Customer Support

Clients and leads are the most important aspect of any firm – they are the lifeblood of your business and ultimately they decide whether you succeed or fail. So you should invest in customer support and provide a clean avenue for them to contact you and get their problems sorted out. Don’t be the kind of company that doesn’t want to hear from their customers. Not only will good customer support bound to attract some positive buzz marketing, it also generates credibility–Nobody trusts an online store that doesn’t have contact information.

3 – Listen to the Market

To keep the bond between company and customer strong, and ensure that communication continues flowing both ways you have to do your fair share of listening. Client feedback is golden. You should make sure to keep your ears wide open when customers decide to share their opinion. They might just reveal something that needs to be heard. Often your users can give you some great ideas on what to do to please clients (and coincidentally get your conversion rates to skyrocket).

4 - Satisfy and Over-deliver

You’re in business to solve problems. You provide an asset or a service that enables people to get their problems solved. Since that’s the case, you should always strive to satisfy each and every one of your clients, and you know what? There are extra brownie points available for those who over-deliver.

This is a question of mentality. You’ve got to have it in your mind that your service should offer more and perform better for your clients than any other. That’s how you set your customer service apart, in a crowded field of competitors. Place yourself in your client’s shoes. Simple things like excellent service can engender a lot of good will among the populace, and that positive energy you put out intermingles and expands within the marketplace.

So, if you want to get some free publicity, this is a highly recommended method. Not only that, but it’s just the right thing to do from a professional and ethical standpoint. Always provide more value than is expected.
5 - Treat every customer like a business partner

Try not to think of your customers simply as walking revenue sources. Instead think about them like shareholders. They deserve a say, because their revenue is keeping you afloat. Treat them like they’re part of your creative department. Use their feedback to create a better business.  

In other words, you should endeavor to treat every customer like a business partner. That means the relationship should be beneficial to both of you. Such a relationship demands honesty and fair dealing. So don’t try any little marketing tricks to “deceive” or “trick” your customers into doing or buying something. Let the business take care of both parts by providing quality service, and making sure that you keep in mind that a client is as important has any royalty share holder of your business.
6 - Build Trust
Trust is of paramount importance to companies operating in the virtual world, and even more so to ecommerce companies. Therefore, you should aim to build your credibility. That means getting your customers to trust you.

This isn’t something done overnight, but rather a process that require patience, diligence, and commitment. Remember, it’s not a sprint – but a marathon.

Building trust can accomplished in many ways. For example, Australian Woolworths’ affiliate: Big W, decided to notify their potential customers after the deadline for items being delivered on Xmas was past. They did this so no one would be disappointed when they didn't get their order in time for Xmas. This was a simple kindness performed for consumer convenience. It was an honest gesture, and one that builds trust.
7 - Be clear and honest

Do yourself a big favor and tell the truth. Don’t tell stock lies like: “the product stock is nationally depleted,” or “I heard that production will soon come to a halt,” just so you have quick conversion spikes or little selling peaks.
Be honest.

Also, don’t paint an orange yellow and say that it’s a lemon. Don’t camouflage important information. Just keep your sales pitches clear and honest.
The bottom line is still: Don’t do to people what you wouldn’t like done to you.

8 - Keep your promises

You can build up your trust to insanely high levels and get it all shattered thanks to a broken promise. Never promise a customer anything you can’t deliver. You instantly lose all credibility in that customer’s eyes, and they will relay their distaste to all their friends and family. God help you if they happen to have a strong social media following.

This list isn’t in a particular order, but if it was, this number 8 would be ranked number 1. So keep this caveat in mind: Promises should be kept.

9 - Be Responsible for your mistakes

When people complain about something, don’t pass the buck and try to blame someone else. Instead, you should show responsibility and answer something along the lines of “I'm sorry, I can see how this upsets you, and to fix it I suggest doing the following…”

Candid and apologetic behavior can win over a lot of difficult opposition. If you’re in the position where you have to apologize, it’s best to man up and handle it with grace.

10 - Have some manners

Most everything your mama taught you is applicable to the business world. People like well-mannered folk, and they really hate arrogant or poorly educated salesmen. So you should find reasons to use expressions like “thank you” and “I’m sorry” as often as possible.

So, are you respecting every point on this list? What can you do to better your company? Take a little bit of your time and think it over.



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